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Making an Army DITY Move
Dec 17, 2024
Army moves made easy
A career serving your country often comes with frequent moves, and military relocation plans can range from complicated to calm depending on the mover you choose.
With a Personally Procured Move or PPM (formerly known as a DITY or Do-It-Yourself move), you’re responsible for planning, paying for services upfront and seeking reimbursement. By working with a military-friendly DIY moving service like U-Pack®, you can have a stress-free, affordable experience.

What are the benefits of an Army DITY move?
Soldiers who receive permanent change of station (PCS) orders within the continental U.S. (CONUS) are typically eligible for a PPM.
Here’s why many service members choose this type of move:
Control and flexibility
Instead of being on a government mover’s timetable, it’s easier to schedule movers at a time most convenient for you and your family.
Maintain privacy
By handling packing, you ensure that strangers do not handle belongings.
Potential to make money
The military will reimburse you 100% of the expenses they would have paid a government-contracted moving company. Learn more about paying for your military move.
Planning an Army PPM
After you've confirmed PCS orders with the transportation office (TO), check out U-Pack’s complete guide to military moving and download our printable PCS checklist to help keep your move on track.
Here are the next steps:
1. Download the Army PCS mobile app
Launched in April 2020, “Army PCS Move” is available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. It is a centralized hub of information related to military moving with information about paperwork and proper procedures.
2. Reach out to the Relocation Readiness Program
The Army Relocation Community Service Readiness Program offers a comprehensive support system to assist during and after a move. Services include planning resources, counseling, orientation and a household goods lending closet.
3. Choose a military-friendly moving company
The Army advises soldiers to choose a company registered and approved with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Approved long-distance moving companies, including U-Pack, have experience with military moves, offer discounts for service members and understand the need for weight tickets for reimbursement.
4. Request travel vouchers from DFAS (if eligible)
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) processes PCS vouchers for Army military members. They offer an Army PCS Travel Voucher Guide with instructions for soldiers. Along with your TO, the DFAS can answer specific questions about your eligibility for advanced travel pay and reimbursement for moving expenses.
Note: Advanced travel payments may not be authorized for Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) holders. Contact the TO for specific details.
5. Plan your route and overnight stops
You must provide an itinerary for Army PCS travel to the TO. If driving, plan a route to the new location and make reservations for overnight stops to stay within your per diem budget. If flying, provide airline receipts with ticket numbers.
Ask the TO if you have any questions about the types of receipts required for travel reimbursement.
6. Contact after-move support services
Look into the resources offered by the Army Family Team Building Program when your PCS is complete. The program offers local support in helping soldiers and their families adjust. It provides education about the military, what to expect while living on base and other services available at the new station.
U-Pack can help with your DITY move
Let U-Pack help with your PPM. You handle packing, and we’ll transport your things — without the hassle of driving a rental truck.
Call 844-362-5303844-594-3077 for a quote, and don’t forget to ask for your military discount and weight tickets! You can also request a free quote online and use the coupon code MIL50.
Please let us know if you have questions about how U-Pack works. Thank you for your service!
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