Moving from Las Vegas, NV, to Anchorage, AK

Settling down in a smaller city up north 

Las Vegas, Nevada, and Anchorage, Alaska, are quite different cities. For starters, the two towns are around 3,500 miles apart by land, separated by several states and the country of Canada.  

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska, housing nearly 40 percent of the state’s population. There are around 291,000 residents within the city limits and just under 399,000 in the metro.  In contrast, Las Vegas has around 642,000 people in the city limits and around 2.3 million in the metro. 

Expect a change in climate in Alaska 

Moving from a desert environment to a subarctic climate will bring significantly more annual precipitation, especially snow. Anchorage averages 79 inches of snow, while icy conditions are rare in Vegas. Winter lows average 9 degrees in Anchorage vs. 37 degrees in Las Vegas. 

Anchorage gets around 17 inches of rainfall per year, while Vegas averages only 5 inches. Summers are much cooler in Alaska, with average highs reaching around 67 degrees, much more comfortable than the 104-degree average seasonal highs in Vegas. 

Making a living in Anchorage 

The cost of living in Alaska is a bit higher than what you’re used to in Las Vegas since many goods must be shipped from the lower 48 states. 

Fortunately, Anchorage’s average median salaries are higher than national averages. Like Nevada, Alaska does not charge a state income tax, and it also does not have a statewide sales tax on goods. 

Popular career fields in Anchorage include air transportation, government, healthcare, hospitality, military and the oil industry. 

Awesome Anchorage facts 

Learn more about life in "The City of Lights and Flowers." 

  • Anchorage is one of the warmest cities in the state. 

  • It’s common to spot black and brown bears around the city during the summer. 

  • More than 1,500 moose live in Anchorage. 

  • Summer days in Anchorage can have up to 22 hours of daylight, while winter days can have as little as 5 hours. 

  • The city has over 250 miles of biking, hiking and snow-skiing trails.  

Make your move to Alaska stress free with U-Pack  

U-Pack® has nationwide service centers and nearly 30 years of experience moving people across the country, including moves to Alaska. We’re a DIY service where you handle packing, loading and unloading, and then we take care of the driving. Get a free online quote today or call 844-362-5303844-594-3077 to speak to a moving consultant.